Atlas Carpentry Projects PTY LTD

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

At Atlas Carpentry Projects Pty Ltd, we are deeply committed to our clients. We acknowledge our responsibility to safeguard and uphold the privacy of any personal information you share with us, whether as an individual or on behalf of a business. This privacy policy outlines when we collect your personal information and how we utilise that information. Additionally, we detail the security measures in place to protect your personal data.

Information Collection

Atlas Carpentry Projects Pty Ltd gathers information through various channels, including online submissions, email correspondence, postal services, in-person interactions, and partnerships with businesses such as real estates. The personal information we collect includes contact details necessary for service provision, marketing, ongoing maintenance, and warranty support.

This information is crucial for providing technical support, managing credit, issuing maintenance notifications, and other functions related to your services with us. It may encompass your full name, mailing address, phone number, email address, ABN, and fax number. For transactional purposes, we may also collect payment details, such as your credit card number or bank account information, solely with your explicit consent.

Marketing Communication

We may use your information to contact you for marketing purposes, such as new product promotions, service offerings, and giveaways. These communications will be delivered through direct mail, email, and SMS text messaging. While transferring information through various media carries some degree of risk, we prioritise the security of your information. We do not share any personal data with overseas organisations.

If you prefer not to receive marketing communications from us, you can opt out by unsubscribing from the received emails or emailing us at Your details will be promptly updated and removed from our system upon your request.

Call Monitoring

Please be aware that we may monitor telephone conversations for staff training and maintaining our high customer service standards. If you do not wish to have your call monitored, kindly inform a staff member.

Purpose of Information Collection

We collect only the information that is reasonably necessary to:

  1. Provide you with Atlas Carpentry Project Pty Ltd’s exceptional service.

  2. Understand any other services you may require.

  3. Maintain and update your contact information in our records.

  4. Comply with our legal obligations and relevant laws and regulations.

Typically, the personal information we retain pertains to:

  1. Services provided or quoted to you.

  2. Your contact information.

Data Accuracy and Security

We are committed to keeping our records accurate and up to date. To ensure the safety of your information, we employ advanced security systems and technology. We proactively work to provide you with the best possible security.

You can contact us at any time to request corrections or removal of your information if you believe it is inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete.

If you suspect that we hold other personal information about you that requires updating or removal, please reach out through our web form or contact our privacy officer via email.